Friday 25 October 2024
Division 1 a - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 1 b - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 2 - sponsored by
Prizes include
DIvision 3 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 4 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 5 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 6 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 7 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Division 8 - sponsored by
Prizes include
Rally - sponsored by
Spot Prizes a plenty!
First Boat to Finish - Duke of Marlborough Cup
First monohull on PHRF - North Sails Trophy
First overseas boat - Jon Vincent Memorial Trophy
First Multiull to finish - Alexander Flynn Trophy
First Two Handed boat to finish - SSANZ Two Handed Trophy
First All Female Crew - The Womans Trophy Te Hoe O Wairaka
First Singlehanded boat to finish - Richmond Yacht Club Single Handed Trophy
First Multihull on handicap - Duncan Stuart Rosebowl
First on Handicap - Sail Sure NZ
First to BOI boat on handicap - Russell Trophy
First IRC - Cookson IRC Trophy
First Young 88 to Finish - Y88 First Class Trophy (if there's a class)
First Classic to finish - Classic Trophy
Smallest boat to finish - Cockleshell Trophy
First Team on handicap - Lindaeur Trophy for First Club