Much like all of you reading this, the NZ Multihull Yacht Club and the PIC Coastal Classic committee have spent far too many hours reading boating magazines, watching sailing online and dreaming about getting back on the water.
We’ve also used the time to start planning the 38th PIC Coastal Classic – Friday 23 October 2020. Yes, we expect to be on the start line in less than six months’ time and hopefully without significant changes or restrictions to how we run the race.
We are encouraged by this recent update from Yachting NZ which includes Chief Executive Dave Abercrombie’s take on the return to sailing when restrictions due to Covid-19 ease. Of course, we will comply with health advice at race-time, meanwhile working to ensure you have a really fun long-weekend on and off the water.
There is some great news to share: we’re very thankful and pleased to announce that our principal partner, PIC Insurance Brokers have continued their long-standing support for the race again in 2020. Without them, this race simply wouldn’t be possible.
And more good news: we’re likely to have some exceptional talent in the fleet this year, with a number of NZ's top sailors who would have otherwise been committed to international campaigns, now likely to have a crack at our iconic great race north!
Stay tuned for news of entries opening online in the coming weeks, stay safe and we’ll see you on the water soon.
From the whole PIC Coastal Classic Team: Greer Houston, Simon Hull, John Kensington, Emily Flynn & Kristine Horne.