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Big hearted boat owner gets kids into race

Boat owner Peter Edwards has given four Tuakau youth the opportunity of a lifetime by giving them crew spots aboard his Beale 33, Leading Light, for the PIC Insurance Brokers Coastal Classic.

With the support of knowledgeable sailor John Hull, Group Leader for the Tuakau District Sea Scouts, the crew will set sail from Auckland on Friday 21 October, with up to 150 other race yachts. Their destination is 119 miles up the coast to Russell in the Bay of Islands, a race that will take about 24 hours depending on the weather conditions, involving overnight watches, navigation, race strategy, and tight crew work.

The four youth crew members have been hand picked by Peter and John for their ability to work together

as a team in all situations. They are:

Second Watch Leader Em Sharpe

(18 yr Venturer, Yr 13 student)

Em has come through Cubs, Scouts and Ventures at Tuakau Sea Scouts

Qualifications are Day Skipper, VHFoperator and two day outdoor first aid, DOE silver award

Em has spent many hours on a keeler that Em's grandparents owned and has also done a five day voyage on the Spirit of New Zealand.

Em attends most sailing camps and regattas and has clocked up a lot of hours on the water and has a real feel for sailing and can keep calm in all situations. She is very focused and has the ability to become a great sailor.

First Watch Crew Shannon Hull

(17 yr Venturer, Yr 12 student)

Shannon was one of the first kids to start with Tuakau nine years ago coming through from Cubs to Venturers.

Qualifications are Dayskipper, VHF operator, 2 day outdoor first aid.

As John's daughter she has been brought up on the water learning many water based activities.

She has been on a 10 day voyage on the Spirit of New Zealand and is currently working on her DOE silver.

Shannon loves sailing and attending regattas and camps , she has a great attitude towards achieving high goals.

second watch crew.

Second Watch Crew Cameron McGregor

(16 yr Venturer, Yr 12 student)

Cameron has come through both Scouts and Ventures with TDSS

Qualifications are VHF operator and 2 day outdoor first aid.

His father Duncan is a Sea Scout Leader and also owns a 6 m trailer sailor which Cameron has spent many hours sailing on.

He is also working on his Duke of Edinburgh and has done a five day voyage on the Spirit of New Zealand, He is very often the skipper in sailing races on regattas and does a great job of it. He always look at home behind the tiller

First watch crew

Daniel Jamison

(16 yr Venturer, Year 11 student)

Dan has also come trough both Scouts and Venturers at TDSS

He has just qualified in his VHF operators certificate.

He has his own Sunburst that he sails when ever he can and always attends sailing camps and regattas.

He has helmed many boats that produce good results,

He is keen and focused, another great salor in the making

Follow their progress in the race on

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