Coastal week is upon us now, and with the Winning Strategy Race Clinic tomorrow (Monday), Registration and Briefing Thursday, Race Start Friday, Prize giving Saturday... here's a guide to many things you need to know.
Tomorrow, Monday 15th October, is the 'winning strategy race clinic' at RNZYS, 7:00pm. More info online here
The Sailing Instructions are available online here, and a printed copy will be put in the skippers pack to be collected at the registration.
The registration is from 5pm Thursday, and official briefing from 7pm at RNZYS. All boats must be represented.
The Russell End of the race is being ravamped - with a live band and food trucks adding to the celebratory atmosphere. More info online here.
There were some great tips from the first race clinic for those of you who missed it... like how to check your rig and why being well hydrated before the race is vital. Read the tips here.
And for everybody left on shore, here's how to follow your progress: Facebook Live Streaming with commentary from legendary yachtie, Peter Lester, will be from 9:25 - 10:10am on Friday. Boats that finish during daylight are also likely to feature on livestreaming!
Share this link with your family and friends www.facebook.com/piccoastalclassic or send them to our website www.coastalclassic.co.nz/watch to view all the social media feeds linked on one page - and refreshed every 15 minutes for the duration of the race. The Predict Wind Tracker will be linked from our homepage, or send on this link to be bookmarked and checked back in real time - for the entire race. https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/race/nzmyc
Please send us your updates from the race course! Don't forget to use #piccoastalclassic and tag @piccoascalclassic to have your boat featured on race day. Send to Kristine on 021871301, or, media@coastalclassic.co.nz
RSVP FOR TOMORROW'S RACE CLINIC Monday October 15th, 7pm @ RNZYS Hear from experts of the PIC Coastal Classic on the long range forecast and start to plan your winning strategy. This is a 'must do' evening, and we know several boats success have been due to the insights gained at this informative and fun night. More info online here BREAKFAST BOOKINGS Assemble your crew from 6.30am on race day for a special PIC Coastal Classic cooked buffet breakfast at the RNZYS - $22 per person. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL and must be received by Tuesday 16th October at the latest. ccinfo@coastalclassic.co.nz TEAM ENTRIES - REPRESENT YOUR CLUB Once you have your own individual entry in, join forces with three other boats from your club to form a representative team. The top three performing boats rank your cumulative score against the rest, and this year we also have a great Teams prize. Simply send your team details to ccinfo@coastalclassic.co.nz
Crew parking at marinas is at a premium over Labour Weekend. The good news is that you can park at Westhaven, within the white spaces, on an unlimited basis between 3pm on Thursday 18 October and 3pm on Wednesday 24 October. Please only park in the yellow spaces if you have a parking permit. Please carpool where possible to save space for others. Westhaven wishes you a great safe race!